Sunday, August 17, 2008

We are finally here!

Although we do not have a house to live in (the contract is still not finalized), we finally have at least officially moved to the UK. We landed at Heathrow before 6 am (UK time) and then wearily cleared immigration with our new visas, and met our driver to travel to our new town. We arrived in our new town at about 8am today with our 184 pounds of our checked luggage (plus our carry-ons) in-tow. Upon our arrival, we tried to check into our hotel, but of course it was sold out, so we sat in the lobby staring into space and at each other until about 1 pm when our room finally became available.

We are fighting to stay awake so that we may be able to adjust to the time change quickly. Despite the bumps, we are just glad to be here for real this time! 
Cheers! Our drinks on the plane last night in honor of the fact that we made it on the plane to get here! 

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