Sunday, April 18, 2010


Eyjafjallajökull - the volcano eruption in Iceland [with a very long and 
funny name] is causing havoc on the UK and Europe's travel industry 
for yet another day here. It is a strange experience to be living in the middle of this 
situation although Scott & I are both VERY thankful to be at "home" in our house 
here in England together. We had dinner with a friend last night whose wife is 
stuck in Indonesia for work and so he has been on DAD duty for nearly 2 full weeks now. 
I think he and the baby are both ready for this ash to pass!
Other friends are stranded throughout Europe and some even back in 
the US. The stories are plentiful and are making us think twice about 
our future travel plans if this volcanic ash continues to blanket the UK 
and the rest of Europe. It is scary to think no one can really predict 
when and if it will we have been glued to the tv and 
internet to find out the latest updates.

On Thursday, we had very gray skies overhead and actually had a 
layer of dusty ash covering our cars in the morning. 
Local news reports said our area had received bits from volcanic ash, 
although none of it was detrimental to our health. Since Friday, the skies
have been clear and sunny all day but we know that higher up in the 
atmosphere things are different right now.

According to The Times article today, this is not the first volcanic eruption that there has been in the world, but it is the first time that there has been the closure of so much airspace, for such a prolonged period and with no end in sight - according to the British Airline Pilots' Association. 

Let's hope it is resolved quickly and safely so all of our friends can return home soon. There is no place quite like home!

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