Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

This year is our first Independence Day we have spent abroad. Being far away from America has made us appreciate and feel more connected to our freedom and the country we call home, more now than ever have before. 
We have celebrated America's 4th of July over the past few days....starting with a reception in London at the US Ambassador's residence on Thursday evening. The party was quite nice and they served genuine corn-fed Nebraska beef (cubes as appetizers) as well as barbecued ribs, so we were in heaven just to eat such delicious American foods! Watching the color guard and listening to the National Anthem that evening in such a setting, made us both feel quite proud. We are lucky to be Americans and I was honored to be able to celebrate our national holiday abroad with other Americans, while living in a foreign land. 
Friday night, I went to an ABBA cover band concert with some friends at Warwick Castle, and the show was topped off with fireworks which was a festive start to celebrating the 4th. 
Today we spent the afternoon at a barbecue with the local American club, and then this evening joined some American friends (and their British friends too!) at their house for another barbecue and celebration. We have had a nice few days of celebrating America's Independence Day in the UK and are thankful and proud to be Americans. 

Scott in his festive/summer attire in Regent's Park in London on our way to the Ambassador's event. 
The two of us at the entrance to the American Ambassador's House for the party on Thursday. 

Fireworks on July 3rd at Warwick Castle after an ABBA Coverband concert.
Red, White, & Blue are the colors we know and so cupcakes celebrating the 4th were made for a barbecue this evening. 
Edie & Helena show their American spirit at a barbecue this evening. 
Scott plays basketball at the barbecue, even with the littlest ones, including Emma. 
Joe is setting out with his helmet gear on, ready to start the backyard fireworks show. 
The kids at the barbecue opened up pop toys/bottles to make noise and celebrate the 4th. They followed by singing and dancing to the song "We're the kids from America" which was pretty cute. 
A backyard fireworks show! 
God Bless America! 

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