Thursday, July 16, 2009

Down and Out....

I am currently out for the count right now because (no joke) I have the swine flu....sigh. It is possibly the worst flu I have encountered yet and probably the first time I have had the flu in 6 plus years. I am now on day three and my fever is higher, and in the past few days I have consumed a total of 2 pieces of dry toast, a few crackers, a few bites of jello and five sips of Gatorade. None of it worked out very well so I am down to jello and water at the moment....

The doctor's office by us isn't even testing for the swine flu at the moment because the demand is so high (and due to this lovely healthcare system it is taking over 10 days to get test results back) but they told me today that they are pretty sure I have it and my symptoms are on par with the classic symptoms. 

I swear I haven't kissed any pigs or birds or whatever causes one to contract this horrid flu.....
Let's just hope it doesn't drag on for too much longer!


  1. Thinking about you. It sounds awful!

  2. Oh no! Although I suppose the silver lining is that when you get it when it's not too bad, you'll be protected against this strain if it really does get to be dangerous...

  3. I hope you feel better soon.

    I haven't visited your blog for ages, so I've been reading backwards a little. Lovely lovely photos. You've had some nice trips!
