Thursday, June 4, 2009

Spider Killer

The residents of this country do not seem to kill their spiders. People are aghast when I say  I kill millions of spiders on a daily basis in my house (ok, maybe not millions but sometimes it feels that way because they are so gross!!). Because we are still having nice weather, our windows are open for part of the day when we are home. I am sure this creature crawled right in last night when the windows were open in our living room....
Would you keep him alive in the corner of your living room? Personally I cannot concentrate on anything else if I know there is a creepy spider sitting in the room. Sorry, but he got SQUASHED right after I photographed him for fond memories. ha! 


  1. I'm constantly picking up fly carcasses after I give in to the can of Raid. But I think I've only had a spider in here once, and I let him live.

  2. I HATE spiders and although am ananimal lover, for these beasts it's the squish factor quick as a flash. I am pleased to find less spiders in my US house than my UK one...

  3. I am an expat living in Scotland and I know what you mean! I had a Scottish visitor at my house when a spider appeared. I got a tissue and flushed it down the toilet. She was aghast. She said she would have just put it on a paper and put it outside. I told her if it trespassed in my house it got the death sentence!

  4. Would I keep him alive?! Heck no!
