Spring has sprung here in England! Flowers and budded trees have been slowly starting to bloom over the past few weeks. The daffodils have been quite noticeable - all along the motorways, streets, individual family homes and within town centres. Here are a few photos of spring in our area...
The garden was packed this afternoon with Brits enjoying the nice spring day.
A view of the town center strip with flowers in all of the beds along the main street.
Hi, I stumbled across your blog a couple of weeks ago, I've found it interesting to see your take on life in the Midlands. I couldn't work out where you were living, I realised today looking at the pics you posted, you're living in the town where I work (not the town where I live), I'm not naming it since you haven't either! But let's just say I work at the top end of the street in the last picture!