Friday, February 13, 2009

Life in Boxes

Our dining room as a holding point for boxes and furniture to be moved.
We have been living out of boxes again this week as today is moving day (again) for us. Post-robbery and car vandalism, we have not felt 100% comfortable in our current house, so we have opted to break our lease and move to a different house. We are sure our current house is probably safe enough but it is more the idea that someone has been inside this house and seen our things. Since we have no long term ties or ownership rights to this house, we took a break clause and found a new, lovely house in the "suburbs" of our town. 

The movers are here today and I am sitting back drinking my coffee and hoping all goes smoothly (Scott of course has escaped yet another one of our moves!). We are excited to be in a new house and hope it doesn't take too long to settle in there and unpack our belongings. I will post photos of the new house soon but the best part of the new place is:
#1 - We have closets. At least 7 of them! In this house we do not have a single closet and it has been a bit messy for things like coats, etc. with no place to really go...
#2 - We have a full size "American" refrigerator. The bar/dorm sized fridge just isn't cutting it and although I enjoy going to the grocery store, having to go every day due to restrictions on space is getting annoying. I am thrilled to have space for platters of food and maybe 2-3 days worth of food. 

And we will have two extra guest rooms in our new house, so if you are contemplating a visit to the UK, we will have a room for you. :) 
Our "closet" room and my fabric stash packed and ready for the move.
The living room in boxes.

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely drooling with envy, seeing as I live in a flat with no closets and a dorm fridge/no freezer! Good luck with the move!
